
Making human activity a regenerative factor for local communities and natural ecosystems


In this corner of the Eastern Mediterranean, the peculiarities of climate and topography create an almost magical picture, giving people the feeling that they are lucky to live here. But as much as we appreciate the wild natural beauty and rich traditions of our land, we cannot overlook the fact that in most of the country, the natural environment has now become a mosaic of degraded ecosystems and highly eroded landscapes with shallow poor soils that can only support a few hardy plant species. Repeated fires and misguided natural resource management policies further accelerate desertification, raising issues of water and food security in many areas. This situation is the local manifestation of a phenomenon of environmental degradation that is evolving on a global scale, with different intensity and speed in each region, and highlights the need for local solutions, adapted to the capabilities and specificities of local communities and ecosystems.

As the climate changes unpredictably, the only way to prevent the coming deep ecological crises and ensure our survival and well-being in this place is to mobilise and seek to regenerate local ecosystems and restore them to a natural state of balance. Now, more than ever, there is a need to look for ways to integrate human activity into the natural environment with respect and awareness of the limits set by nature itself, and to turn our impact into a factor that promotes complexity and diversity, thus enhancing the resilience and adaptability of natural ecosystems.

There are currently hundreds of small and large-scale projects around the world that are working in this direction, achieving positive changes that benefit both local communities and the ecosystems that surround them. Following the principles and practices of the permaculture design system, they develop and transmit the necessary intellectual tools and appropriate practices for the restructuring of production and natural resource management systems, acting both as cells of regenerative activity and as examples and reference points.


What is Permaculture?

Permaculture deals with the creation of consciously designed ecosystems in which human activity can be integrated into…


The values of Permaculture

The values of permaculture are care for the land, care for people and fair sharing, i.e. redistribution of the surplus…


The principles of Permaculture

Ethical and design principles are a guide for the restructuring of human activity at all levels and are inherent in all aspects of human activity.


Permaculture applications

At the moment permaculture is a remarkable movement on a global level involving individual and collective projects…


Permaculture design on the New Guinea farm

The New Guinea farm has been designed according to the principles of permaculture and…


Mediterranean forest garden

A forest garden is a multi-level cultivation system designed to simulate a natural forest ecosystem in intermediate stages…


Mixed orchard

The permaculture design transforms the orchard into a living productive ecosystem, where fruit trees are integrated into a polyculture that…


Vegetable gardens

The areas intended for the production of annual vegetables are arranged according to the principles of permaculture and are cultivated intensively by applying methods and techniques that…


Cultivation systems along the fences at the farm boundaries

These systems are modelled on the vegetation zones of the…


Water collection and management

One of the key elements that determine how well-designed a system is is the quality of the water that flows from it. The collection systems and…



Permaculture design training is a dynamic process that takes into account the expectations and interests of the participants, utilizes the…


Permaculture for refugees

Refugee camps are places that are set up in just a few weeks and end up becoming permanent settlements, without having such standards…



New Guinea is organizing information events that aim to highlight the values and principles of permaculture and focus on practical applications that can be applied in the…


Actions in schools

In cooperation with schools, New Guinea organises information events and practical workshops that give students the opportunity to get in touch with the values and principles of the…



New Guinea is undertaking the design and planning of farms and the installation of different food production and water collection and management systems. For…